Instructions for Extracting and Watching Blockbuster Movies on Mobile and Computer After Downloading;大片下载后手机和电脑的解压观看说明
一、Instructions for Extracting on Computer and Mobile Click to go to the link.;电脑和手机的解压说明,点击转到
The extraction steps are the same as those in the link above. The page also includes a video that explains the entire process of downloading, extracting, and watching “大片Videos” resources on Android and iOS devices.
The only difference is that, after completing the extraction process on the computer, double-click the small tool in the folder named “1. Double-click to Restore Video Format.exe” to restore the video format and start enjoying it. If you are using a Mac, this tool cannot be used. Instead, you need to rename the file with a string of random characters in the folder to “***.MP4” (where the * can be any content).
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Ue资源站 » Instructions for Extracting and Watching Blockbuster Movies on Mobile and Computer After Downloading;大片下载后手机和电脑的解压观看说明
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