

作者 : Admin 本文共1455个字,预计阅读时间需要4分钟 发布时间: 2023-01-5 共2.6K人阅读

U币,也就是https://iiiue.com  爱UE资源网通用交易虚拟货币。




2、通过会员中心充值获得U币,充值比例为1:1  如果充值未到账,请随时联系我们处理ue5ziyuan@foxmail.com;




U coins, also known as H ttps://iiiue.com Love UE resource network universal trading virtual currency.

The main sources of U coins are as follows. For the convenience of everyone’s use, please read the following content carefully.

1. Log in to your account and perform “daily check-in” to earn 2U coins per day;

2. You can get U coins by recharging through the member center. The recharging ratio is CNY TO UB 1:1. The recharging channels are Alipay and WeChat. If there is no way you need to recharge, or if the recharging fails to arrive, please contact us at any time ue5ziyuan@foxmail.com ;

3. Earn U coins by publishing articles and submitting articles. When publishing resources, select “paid download” or “paid view” on the page, and other members will purchase the ones you have posted

After paying for the content, U coins will be automatically transferred to your account.







In addition, you can also earn rich funds on this site by continuously submitting and publishing more high-quality resources. You can go to the “Promotion Commission” section in the “Personal Center”

Upload your payment QR code. When your commission (paid resources+promotion commission) reaches 50 yuan CNY, you can apply for withdrawal, and we will do so within 3 working days,

We will transfer the payment to your designated account.




开通终身VIP 永久VIP折扣活动火热进行中,享全站资源免费下载特权!